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Amphibians and Reptiles


From The
Zoological Record

The core information for this page is taken from the website of The Zoological Record. The original text has been abbreviated, some taxonomic groups are added, and links to further information have been expanded. For convenience the taxonomic list is distributed among several separate pages.

'Tetrapod' groups 'with four limbs'; these may also be categorized as Amniota (mammals, reptiles, dinosaurs and birds), with all living and fossil amphibians placed in various non-amniote groups -- [ ucmp ]; Amphibia and Reptilia together are sometimes referred to as 'herptiles' --[ general herpetology links ]

    Amphibia amphibians spend part of their life in water, breathe through skin & gills, lay eggs in water and lack scales, cold blooded -- [ ucmp | links | Amphibian Species of the World ]

    Labyrinthodontia fossils

    Lepospondyli fossils

    Lissamphibia includes all living amphibians -- [ ToL | ummzADW ]

      Anura (=Salienta) frogs, toads -- [ ToL | ummzADW | links ]

        Bufonidae toads [ ummzADW ]

        Centrolenidae Centrolenella [ ummzADW ]

        Dendrobatidae poison dart frogs [ ummzADW ]

        Discoglossidae Alytes [ ummzADW ]

        Hylidae tree frogs and peepers [ ummzADW ]

        Hyperolidae Hyperolius [ ummzADW ]

        Leptodactylidae Syrrhophus, Telmatobius [ ummzADW ]

        Microhylidae narrowmouth toad [ ummzADW ]

        Myobatrachidae gastric brooding frog [ ummzADW ]

        Pelobatidae spadefoot toads [ ummzADW ]

        Pipidae Surinam toad, Afr. clawed frog [ ummzADW ]

        Pseudidae Pseudis [ ummzADW ]

        Ranidae true frogs [ ummzADW ]

        Rhacophoridae flying frogs [ ummzADW ]

        Rhinophrynidae burrowing toad [ ummzADW ]

      Caudata (=Urodela) salamanders, newts, mudpuppy -- [ ToL | ummzADW | links ]

        Amphiumidae amphiumas [ ToL | ummzADW ]

        Plethodontidae lungless salamanders [ ToL | ummzADW ]

        Salamandridae newts and true salamanders [ ToL | ummzADW ]

        Dicamptodontidae Pacific giant salamanders [ ToL ]

        Ambystomatidae mole salamanders [ ToL | ummzADW ]

        Proteidae Necturus (mudpuppy, waterdogs) and Proteus [ ToL | ummzADW ]

        Rhyacotritonidae torrent salamanders [ ToL ]

        Cryptobranchidae hellbenders [ ToL | ummzADW ]

        Hynobiidae hynopids (Asian) salamanders [ ToL | ummzADW ]

        Sirenidae sirens [ ToL | ummzADW ]

      Gymnophiona (=Apoda) caecilians -- [ ummzADW | links | amnh | hofer ]

        Caecilidaeidae -- [ ummzADW ]

        Ichthyophiidae -- [ ummzADW ]

        Typhlomectidae -- [ ummzADW ]

    Reptilia reptiles have scales and an amniote egg adapted to survival out of water, cold blooded and mostly well adapted to life on land; contains many fossil groups including the dinosaurs -- [ ummzADW | links | EMBL Reptile Db | WWWVL ]; modern taxonomy often places the lizards, crocodiles, birds, Sphenodon, and their extinct relatives into one amniote group -- the Diapsida -- [ ToL : ucmp ].

    Anapsida -- [ ucmp ]

      Testudines tortoises, turtles -- [ ummzADW | links | ucmp ]

      Cryptodira Chelonia -- [ ucmp ]

        Chelydridae snapping turtles [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Emydidae pond, box and water turtles [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Testudinidae tortoises [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Dermatemydidae river turtles [ embl ]

        Kinosternidae Mud and Musk Turtles [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Carettochelyidae Pignose Turtles [ embl ]

        Trionychidae Softshell Turtles [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Cheloniidae Sea Turtles [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Dermochelyidae Leatherback Turtles [ embl | ummzADW ]


        Pelomedusidae Afro-American Sideneck Turtles [ embl ]

        Chelidae Austro-American Sideneck Turtles [ embl ]


      Rhynchocephalia [ ummzADW ]

        Sphenodontidae Tuataras [ embl | ummzADW ]

      Squamata -- [ ummzADW ]

      Sauria Lacertilia -- Lizards -- [ links ]


        Agamidae Agamas, Bearded Dragon, Pogona [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Chamaeleonidae Chameleons [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Iguanidae Iguanas and Spinytail Iguanas [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Corytophaninae Casquehead Lizards [ embl ]

        Crotaphytinae Collared and Leopard Lizards [ embl ]

        Hoplocercinae Hoplocercinae [ embl ]

        Iguaninae Iguanas and Spinytail Iguanas [ embl ]

        Oplurinae Madagascar iguanids [ embl ]

        Phrynosomatinae Earless, Spiny, Tree, Side-blotched and Horned Lizards [ embl ]

        Polychrotinae Anoles [ embl ]

        Tropidurinae Neotropical Ground Lizards [ embl ]


        Gekkonidae Geckoes [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Pygopodidae Legless Lizards [ embl ]

        Dibamidae Blind Lizards [ embl ]


        Cordylidae Spinytail Lizards [ embl ]

        Gerrhosauridae Plated Lizards [ embl ]

        Gymnophthalmidae Spectacled Lizards [ embl ]

        Teiidae Whiptails and Tegus [ embl | uumzADW ]

        Lacertidae Lacertids, Wall Lizards [ embl | ummzADW ]

        Scincidae Skinks [ embl ]

        Xantusiidae Night Lizards [ embl ]


        Anguidae Glass Lizards and Alligator Lizards; Lateral Fold Lizards [ embl | ummzADW]

        Anniellidae American Legless lizards [ embl ]

        Xenosauridae Knob-scaled Lizards [ embl ]

        Platynota Varanoidea

        Helodermatidae Gila Monsters [ embl ]

        Lanthanotidae Earless Monitor lizards [ embl ]

        Varanidae Monitor Lizards [ embl | uumzADW ]

      Amphisbaenia Worm Lizards -- [ links | ummzADW | hofer ]

        Amphisbaenidae Worm Lizards [ embl ]

        Trogonophidae Shorthead Worm Lizards [ embl ]

        Bipedidae Two-legged Worm Lizards [ embl ]

      Ophidia Serpentes -- snakes -- [ links ]

        Anomalepidae Dawn Blind Snakes [ embl ]

        Typhlopidae Blind Snakes [ embl ]

        Leptotyphlopidae Glauconiidae -- Slender Blind Snakes [ embl ]

        Aniliidae Pipe Snakes [ embl ]

        Anomochilidae Dwarf Pipe Snakes [ embl ]

        Boidae Boas and Pythons [ embl : ummzADW ]

        Bolyeridae Round Island Boas [ embl ]

        Cylindrophiidae Asian Pipe Snakes [ embl ]

        Loxocemidae Mexican Burrowing Pythons [ embl ]

        Tropidophiidae Woodsnakes, Round Island "Boas " [ embl ]

        Uropeltidae Shield-tail Snakes [ embl ]

        Xenopeltidae Sunbeam Snakes [ embl ]

        Acrochordidae File Snakes [ embl : uumzADW ]

        Uropeltidae Mole Vipers [ embl ]

        Colubridae Colubrids [ embl : ummzADW ]

        Elapidae Cobras, Kraits, Coral Snakes [ embl : ummzADW ]

        Hydrophiidae Sea Snakes [ embl ]

        Viperidae Rattlesnakes, Vipers and Pit Vipers [ embl : ummzADW ]


      Crocodylia Alligators, Crocodiles, Gavials -- [ embl | Photo Gallery | uumzADW | links ]

        Alligatoridae Alligators, Caiman -- [ ummzADW | embl | Britton ]

        Crocodylidae Crocodiles, False Gavial, Tomistoma -- [ ummzADW | embl | Britton]

        Gavialidae Gavials -- [ ummzADW | embl | Britton ]

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Send suggestions, additions, corrections to Richard White at R. White

amphibians.htm 3/8/2001     Links verified 3/8/2001