Anura (=Salienta) frogs, toads -- [ ToL | ummzADW | links ]
Bufonidae toads [ ummzADW ]
Centrolenidae Centrolenella [ ummzADW ]
Dendrobatidae poison dart frogs [ ummzADW ]
Discoglossidae Alytes [ ummzADW ]
Hylidae tree frogs and peepers [ ummzADW ]
Hyperolidae Hyperolius [ ummzADW ]
Leptodactylidae Syrrhophus, Telmatobius [ ummzADW ]
Microhylidae narrowmouth toad [ ummzADW ]
Myobatrachidae gastric brooding frog [ ummzADW ]
Pelobatidae spadefoot toads [ ummzADW ]
Pipidae Surinam toad, Afr. clawed frog [ ummzADW ]
Pseudidae Pseudis [ ummzADW ]
Ranidae true frogs [ ummzADW ]
Rhacophoridae flying frogs [ ummzADW ]
Rhinophrynidae burrowing toad [ ummzADW ]
Caudata (=Urodela) salamanders, newts, mudpuppy -- [ ToL | ummzADW | links ]
Amphiumidae amphiumas [ ToL | ummzADW ]
Plethodontidae lungless salamanders [ ToL | ummzADW ]
Salamandridae newts and true salamanders [ ToL | ummzADW ]
Dicamptodontidae Pacific giant salamanders [ ToL ]
Ambystomatidae mole salamanders [ ToL | ummzADW ]
Proteidae Necturus (mudpuppy, waterdogs) and Proteus [ ToL | ummzADW ]
Rhyacotritonidae torrent salamanders [ ToL ]
Cryptobranchidae hellbenders [ ToL | ummzADW ]
Hynobiidae hynopids (Asian) salamanders [ ToL | ummzADW ]
Sirenidae sirens [ ToL | ummzADW ]
Gymnophiona (=Apoda) caecilians
-- [ ummzADW | links | amnh | hofer ]
Caecilidaeidae -- [ ummzADW ]
Ichthyophiidae -- [ ummzADW ]
Typhlomectidae -- [ ummzADW ]
Testudines tortoises, turtles -- [ ummzADW | links | ucmp ]
Cryptodira Chelonia -- [ ucmp ]
Chelydridae snapping turtles
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Emydidae pond, box and water turtles
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Testudinidae tortoises
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Dermatemydidae river turtles
[ embl ]
Kinosternidae Mud and Musk Turtles
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Carettochelyidae Pignose Turtles
[ embl ]
Trionychidae Softshell Turtles
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Cheloniidae Sea Turtles
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Dermochelyidae Leatherback Turtles
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Pelomedusidae Afro-American Sideneck Turtles
[ embl ]
Chelidae Austro-American Sideneck Turtles
[ embl ]
Rhynchocephalia [ ummzADW ]
Squamata -- [ ummzADW ]
Sauria Lacertilia -- Lizards -- [ links ]
Agamidae Agamas, Bearded Dragon, Pogona
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Chamaeleonidae Chameleons
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Iguanidae Iguanas and Spinytail Iguanas
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Corytophaninae Casquehead Lizards
[ embl ]
Crotaphytinae Collared and Leopard Lizards
[ embl ]
Hoplocercinae Hoplocercinae
[ embl ]
Iguaninae Iguanas and Spinytail Iguanas
[ embl ]
Oplurinae Madagascar iguanids
[ embl ]
Phrynosomatinae Earless, Spiny, Tree, Side-blotched and Horned Lizards
[ embl ]
Polychrotinae Anoles
[ embl ]
Tropidurinae Neotropical Ground Lizards
[ embl ]
Gekkonidae Geckoes
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Pygopodidae Legless Lizards
[ embl ]
Dibamidae Blind Lizards
[ embl ]
Cordylidae Spinytail Lizards
[ embl ]
Gerrhosauridae Plated Lizards
[ embl ]
Gymnophthalmidae Spectacled Lizards
[ embl ]
Teiidae Whiptails and Tegus
[ embl | uumzADW ]
Lacertidae Lacertids, Wall Lizards
[ embl | ummzADW ]
Scincidae Skinks
[ embl ]
Xantusiidae Night Lizards
[ embl ]
Anguidae Glass Lizards and Alligator Lizards; Lateral Fold Lizards
[ embl | ummzADW]
Anniellidae American Legless lizards
[ embl ]
Xenosauridae Knob-scaled Lizards
[ embl ]
Platynota Varanoidea
Helodermatidae Gila Monsters
[ embl ]
Lanthanotidae Earless Monitor lizards
[ embl ]
Varanidae Monitor Lizards
[ embl | uumzADW ]
Amphisbaenia Worm Lizards -- [ links | ummzADW | hofer ]
Amphisbaenidae Worm Lizards
[ embl ]
Trogonophidae Shorthead Worm Lizards
[ embl ]
Bipedidae Two-legged Worm Lizards
[ embl ]
Ophidia Serpentes -- snakes -- [ links ]
Anomalepidae Dawn Blind Snakes
[ embl ]
Typhlopidae Blind Snakes
[ embl ]
Leptotyphlopidae Glauconiidae -- Slender Blind Snakes
[ embl ]
Aniliidae Pipe Snakes
[ embl ]
Anomochilidae Dwarf Pipe Snakes
[ embl ]
Boidae Boas and Pythons
[ embl : ummzADW ]
Bolyeridae Round Island Boas
[ embl ]
Cylindrophiidae Asian Pipe Snakes
[ embl ]
Loxocemidae Mexican Burrowing Pythons
[ embl ]
Tropidophiidae Woodsnakes, Round Island "Boas " [ embl ]
Uropeltidae Shield-tail Snakes
[ embl ]
Xenopeltidae Sunbeam Snakes
[ embl ]
Acrochordidae File Snakes
[ embl : uumzADW ]
Uropeltidae Mole Vipers
[ embl ]
Colubridae Colubrids
[ embl : ummzADW ]
Elapidae Cobras, Kraits, Coral Snakes
[ embl : ummzADW ]
Hydrophiidae Sea Snakes
[ embl ]
Viperidae Rattlesnakes, Vipers and Pit Vipers
[ embl : ummzADW ]